If you’re looking for a natural and effective solution to keep mosquitoes at bay, Sparkle Mosquito Repellent might just be the perfect fit for you. Made with natural ingredients, Sparkle offers both protection and skin benefits, without any harmful side effects. The active ingredients in Sparkle are Citronella and Eucalyptus, both of which have been used for centuries as natural mosquito repellents. Citronella, in particular, is a well-known essential oil derived from lemongrass, that has been used for centuries to keep mosquitoes away. With Sparkle Mosquito Repellent, you can enjoy the outdoors without worrying about pesky mosquito bites.
A market driven approach to sustainable waste reuse.
By positioning the waste reuse product into a form where it gives back the greater utility value to the market can we be able to envision a future of zero …
Farmer capacity building
Though inedible waste milk is our primary ingredient, we are not campaigning for increased milk wastage. Considerable proportion of value recouped from up-cycling spoilt milk is reinvested in building capacity …
Waste to Wealth
On average, 1 in 6 pints of milk are thrown away due to spoilage. 90million litters of milk is wasted in Uganda and 3million slices of cheese are thrown away per day …
Waste against Malaria
Malaria kills 1-3 million humans, globally, each year, 60% arechildren below 5 years. Sparkle Skincare brands harness the power of ecofriendly plant based repellant ingredients to provide our clients with …
The Beauty from Ashes
Out of the clutter of the bins in our homes or spoil on the farm, our innovative brands extract every ounce of the magical milk based lactic acid proven through …
An extra mile with community engagement
At Sparkle, we take pride in the strength offered by the communities we engage with. The strength of our brand is entwined in the passion of every woman, youth and …
Upcycling a sustainable future
We have uncovered a rather unusual solution to creation of more sustainable skincare products for our planet. We recycle spoilt milk in a way that brings its value back to …