


Opening Hours

Mon - Sat: 7AM - 7PM

Our products

We know how important it is to protect yourself and your loved ones from mosquito-borne illnesses, and that’s why we’ve created Sparkle, a body applied mosquito repellent. Our eco-friendly and safe for children formula provides a more natural way of protecting yourself without harsh chemicals.

Sparkle preps master

Sparkle Preps Master is a 50ml bottle, the ultimate solution for on-the-go personal care. With its compact size and easy-to-use design, this portable bottle is perfect for anyone who wants to keep those pesky mosquitoes away, no matter where they are.

Sparkle preps master

Sparkle body applied mosquito repellent

This is a 100ml bottle, perfect solution for long-lasting mosquito protection. With its larger size, this bottle lasts longer offering extended protection for you and your family, so you can enjoy the outdoors without worrying about mosquitoes.

Sparkle body applied mosquito repellent

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Welcome to Sparkle: Natural Mosquito Repellent for Your Family

If you’re looking for a natural and effective solution to keep mosquitoes at bay, Sparkle Mosquito Repellent might just be the perfect fit for you. Made with natural ingredients, Sparkle offers both protection and skin benefits, without any harmful side effects. The active ingredients in Sparkle are Citronella and Eucalyptus, both of which have been used for centuries as natural mosquito repellents. Citronella, in particular, is a well-known essential oil derived from lemongrass, that has been used for centuries to keep mosquitoes away. With Sparkle Mosquito Repellent, you can enjoy the outdoors without worrying about pesky mosquito bites.